1980 to 2010 I did hundreds of programs focused on Leading Styles & Skills
From 1980 to 2010 I did hundreds of programs focused on Leading Styles & Skills through UGA Institute of Government - Management Division UGA Institute for Business UGA J. W. Fanning Leadership Institute UGA Continuing Education Center SRCUS 34 years P&R 25 years and taught 58 sessions of my Masters Degree Course for Columbus State University's COMMAND COLLEGE plus sessions or complete retreats for a couple hundred Community Leadership Programs One exercise I gave the participants or students involved reviewing the key traits for a mixture of the most popular selling books on Leadership written during those 30 years The challenge in teams of 4 or 5 was to review one author's traits of Effective, Productive or Creative Leaders and narrow then down to 10 traits needed in public safety agencies. Then 4 to 6 different teams narrowed down the 40 to 60 traits they had agreed upon to th...