Change the Only Constant in the Universe

Change the Only Constant in the Universe

Philosopher Cato is often given credit for this observation

Though some people thrive on Change, many to most do not.

Here are a variety of reasons why the greatest majority of people RESIST CHANGE.


People resist change for a variety of reasons. Some of them are...

1. The purpose of the change communicate individually more
is not made clear. 
communicate with group more thoroughly

2. The people affected by the change 
involve them in small groups are not involved in the
planning of the change.

3. Existing habit patterns 
study how changes will affect
are not considered. existing habits/paradigms

4. Lack of ownership 
involvement, encourage buy-in
􀀇􀀄􀀁 􀀏􀀓􀀕􀀝􀀁􀀡􀀘􀀁􀀓􀀢􀀢􀀓􀀣􀀗􀀠􀀥􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀠􀀗􀀫􀀥􀀤􀀁􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀢􀀓􀀪􀀡􀀘􀀘􀀂􀀁􀀁􀀣􀀗􀀨􀀓􀀣􀀖􀀤􀀂􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀠􀀗􀀫􀀥􀀤􀀁􀀘􀀡􀀣􀀁􀀣􀀗
5.  Laci of apparent benefits 
payoff, rewards, benefits for results􀀇􀀄􀀁 􀀏􀀓􀀕􀀝􀀁􀀡􀀘􀀁􀀓􀀢􀀢􀀓􀀣􀀗􀀠􀀥􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀠􀀗􀀫􀀥􀀤􀀁􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀢􀀓􀀪􀀡􀀘􀀘􀀂􀀁􀀁􀀣􀀗􀀨􀀓􀀣􀀖􀀤􀀂􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀠􀀗􀀫􀀥􀀤􀀁􀀘􀀡􀀣􀀁􀀣􀀗􀀤􀀦􀀞􀀥􀀤􀀇􀀄􀀁 􀀏􀀓􀀕􀀝􀀁􀀡􀀘􀀁􀀓􀀢􀀢􀀓􀀣􀀗􀀠􀀥􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀠􀀗􀀫􀀥􀀤􀀁􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀢􀀓􀀪􀀡􀀘􀀘􀀂􀀁􀀁􀀣􀀗􀀨􀀓􀀣􀀖􀀤􀀂􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀠􀀗􀀫􀀥􀀤􀀁􀀘􀀡􀀣􀀁􀀣􀀗􀀤􀀦􀀞􀀥􀀤
􀀁 􀀇􀀄􀀁 􀀏􀀓􀀕􀀝􀀁􀀡􀀘􀀁􀀓􀀢􀀢􀀓􀀣􀀗􀀠􀀥􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀠􀀗􀀫􀀥􀀤􀀁􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀢􀀓􀀪􀀡􀀘􀀘􀀂􀀁􀀁􀀣􀀗􀀨􀀓􀀣􀀖􀀤􀀂􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀠􀀗􀀫􀀥􀀤􀀁􀀘􀀡􀀣􀀁􀀣􀀗􀀤􀀦􀀞􀀥􀀤
6. Increased work or burden 
lighten loads, divide up work

7. Lack of management support 
support, be clear and show it

8. Loneliness (only one(s) doing it) 
work at team building regularly

9. Fear of Risk 
listen and move slow enough

10. Fear of Failure,
affirm that there will be no loss
􀀁 􀀆􀀅􀀄􀀁 􀀌􀀗􀀓􀀣􀀁􀀡􀀘􀀁􀀌􀀓􀀛􀀞􀀦􀀣􀀗􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀓􀀘􀀫􀀣􀀟􀀁􀀥􀀚􀀓􀀥􀀁􀀥􀀚􀀗􀀣􀀗􀀁􀀨􀀛􀀞􀀞􀀁􀀔􀀗􀀁􀀠􀀡􀀁􀀞􀀡􀀤􀀤
11. Fear of Loss of Job 
be open about it continuously

12. Feeling Insecure 
provide security as you can

13. “We Don’t Do Things That Way Around Here!”
develop new ways and sharing that now
 “We Do Those Things Around Here”

14. Loss of fun, humor or future boredom 
add fun, ask for ways to add fun

15. Chaos, loss of control 
create new controls, share controls

Review each of these and choose your responses


How much are these affecting your staff 
o little, m some, p great deal.

1.  Have your people complete this.
2.  Collect the results
3.  Share the results
4.  Discuss the areas of greatest concern
5.  Discuss what might be done about the most extreme ones.

o m p Absenteeism 
o m p Anger
o m p Anxiety 
o m p Apathy
o m p Avoidance 
o m p Combat Mentality
o m p Denial 
o m p Distrust
o m p Fatigue 
o m p Feelings of Victimization
o m p Filing of Grievances 
o m p Hoarding of Supplies􀀡􀀁 􀀟􀀁 􀀢􀀁 􀀍􀀡􀀤􀀥􀀛􀀞􀀗􀀁􀀊􀀡􀀠􀀬􀀛􀀕􀀥􀀤􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀡􀀁 􀀟􀀁 􀀢􀀁 􀀍􀀦􀀣􀀥
o m p Hyperactivity 
o m p Irritability
o m p Isolation 
o m p Numbness
o m p Panic Attacks 
o m p Pessimism
o m p Physical Aches and Pains 
o m p Sabotage
o m p Self-Blame 
o m p Self-Doubt
o m p Shouting, raised voices 
o m p Slow Motion
o m p Suspicion 
o m p Tardiness
o m p Theft 
o m p Violent Behavior

o m p Work errors 
o m p Worry

5 Factors of PEOPLE Who Change Effectively

The following are 5 Key Factors that help people deal with change effectively.  Review the 5 Key Factors and answer each question from you perspective now.

a. Can I list my greatest achievements?
b. Am I aware of my talents?
c. Do I have a realistic opinion of my value to your organization?
d. Do I prepare for failures and setbacks? (Murphy’s Law)
e. Am I a risk-taker?
f. Do I have a strategy for dealing with fear?

a. Am I basically an optimist?
b. Is my first reaction to change to look for opportunity?
c. Do I try to find advantages in changes?
d. Can I find positives in negative situations?
e. Do I surround myself with positive people?
f. When negative things happen to I try to turn them into positives?

􀀓􀀄􀀁 􀀉􀀟􀀁􀀎􀀁􀀬􀀗􀀩􀀛􀀔􀀞a. Am I flexible?
b. Do I focus on the aspects of a change I can control & help with?
c. Can I accept change as given?
d. Do I management my time well?
e. Can I handle stress in my job?
f. Do I have a sense of humor about things that don’t go right?

a. Do I have goals for the major parts of my life?
b. Am I spending time on my own to develop more work skills?
c. Are my work life and my private life in balance?
d. Do I find fun and enjoyment in my job?􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀖􀀄􀀁 􀀋􀀡􀀁􀀎􀀁􀀫􀀠􀀖􀀁􀀘􀀦􀀠􀀁􀀓􀀠􀀖􀀁􀀗􀀠􀀜􀀡􀀪􀀟􀀗􀀠􀀥􀀁􀀛􀀠􀀁􀀟􀀪􀀁􀀜􀀡􀀔􀀈
e. Do I like where I work?
􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 􀀘􀀄􀀁 􀀋􀀡􀀗􀀤􀀁􀀨􀀚􀀗􀀣􀀗􀀁􀀎􀀁􀀨􀀡􀀣􀀝􀀁􀀫􀀥􀀁􀀛􀀠􀀁􀀟􀀪􀀁􀀞􀀛􀀘􀀗􀀁􀀢􀀞􀀓􀀠􀀤􀀈
a. Do I believe I am creative?
b. Do I have confidence in my ability to solve problems creatively?
c. Do I look for many possible solutions or only one right answer?􀀁 􀀁 􀀁 d. Do I value the creative ideas of others?
e. Do I play with ideas before jumping to solutions?

f. Do I accept that we need to be continually improving?


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